Steel Rift FAQ and Errata
Last Updated 09/12/24
This document provides answers to frequently asked questions, clarifications, and updates to rules for Steel Rift printed in the Steel Rift Core Rulebook, Steel Rift: Burning Horizons, and Steel Rift: Close Quarters.
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Q1: My Light HE-V with Optic Camouflage is being targeted by the Engage Order of a unit under the effect of Suppressive Fire. The total modifier for my Light HE-V’s Defense Roll is +3 (+1 for Light, +1 for Optic Camouflage, +1 for Suppressive Fire). Does this mean that any result on a D6 will be a successful Defense?
A1: No, results of 1 on Defense Rolls, regardless of modifiers, will always fail. See the Errata.
Q2: My Ultra Heavy HE-V is rolling a Defense Roll due to a Weapon with the Frag Trait. This means that I would need to roll a 7 on the D6s to avoid damage. Is this possible?
A2: No. Some combinations of modifiers may make a Defense Roll impossible, and in such cases you will take all damage in the Attack Pool.
Q1: My HE-V wishes to target an enemy HE-V, and the lower half and base of the target HE-V’s silhouette is covered by Blocking Terrain. However, the upper half of the target HE-V’s silhouette is clearly visible to my HE-V. Is the target HE-V in Line of Sight?
A1: Yes. You may draw a Line of Sight line from any height of your silhouette to any height of the target unit’s silhouette to establish Line of Sight. Note that, in this case, some possible lines do pass through Blocking terrain, so the target would benefit from the -2 modifier for an obscured Line of Sight during Engage orders.
Q2: My HE-V wishes to target an enemy HE-V. There is Blocking Terrain covering all Lines of Sight from my base, but other lines drawn from higher up on my silhouette have a clear Line of Sight to the entire enemy HE-V’s silhouette. Is the enemy HE-V in my HE-V’s Line of Sight?
A2: Yes. You may draw a Line of Sight line from any height of your silhouette to any height of the target unit’s silhouette to establish Line of Sight. Note that, since you can draw clear Lines from the nearest point on your silhouette to both sides of the enemy silhouette, the target does not benefit from any cover modifier during an Engage order.
Q3: My HE-V is using a Weapon with the Short (6”) trait while engaging an enemy HE-V. The enemy HE-V is 5” away along the board, but it is also on top of a building 5” tall. Do I measure along the board (meaning the enemy HE-V is 5” away, and I can use this weapon) or do I measure diagonally, (meaning the enemy HE-V is about 7” away, and I cannot use this weapon)?
A3: When measuring distance, measure diagonally, from your base to the Target’s base. NOte that Line of Sight can be measured from any height on your silhouette to any height on the target’s silhouette, but distance should be always measured from base to base.
Q1: My unit with the Squadron trait is hit by a weapon with the Blast trait. There are some other units near my Squadron. Would other nearby units also be hit if they are within the Blast effect distance of any model in my Squadron? Or, do the other units need to be within distance of the Squadron model closest to the Engaging unit?
A1: Measure for the Blast effect only from the model selected as the target of the Weapon. See the Errata on the Squadron trait.
Q2: One of my units makes a Defense roll due to being within x” of the original Target of a weapon with the Blast trait. This unit has an effect that may modify attacks, damage, and/or defense rolls from the Weapon that has the Blast trait, such as a weapon with the Flak trait, Ablative Armor, Optic Camouflage, Reactive Armor, Return Fire, Close Support, Squadron, Unit Type: Ultra Light, Unit Type: Vehicle, Suppressive Fire, Stagger, Combat Shield or others. Does this effect modify the Defense Roll I am making against the Blast effect?
A2: No.
The unit engaging with a Weapon with the Blast trait and the original Target apply all modifiers to the attack, damage, and defense roll as normal. Once the final Attack Pool is determined for Step 4 of the Engage Order, note the number of dice.
Once Step 7 of the Engage Order is completed, make a Defense Roll for each other unit within Blast range of the original Target. The value of the Defense Roll is 1 less than the Attack Pool against the original Target.
The only modifiers to this Defense Roll are for the Weight Class of the affected unit, and its Unit Type. Note that the units suffering this Blast effect are not “Targeted”, so units with the Unit Type: UL HE-V or Unit Type: Light Vehicle will receive a total modifier of +2 and +1, respectively.
See the Errata on the Blast trait.
Q3: One of my units must make a Defense Roll due to the Blast trait of a weapon Targeting a nearby unit during an Engage order. The Engaging unit is in the Rear Arc of the Targeted unit, but the Front Arc of my unit in the Blast effect. What modifiers are used to generate the Defense Roll?
A3: Calculate the Defense Roll made by the Target unit as normal through Engage Order steps 2-5, applying modifiers for Arc, cover, etc.. Once the Targeted unit has its Defense Roll, use the value of that Defense Roll to calculate the Defense Rolls made by the units affected by blast. See the Errata on the Blast trait.
Q4: My HE-V is within the distance of a Blast effect of a Weapon targeting a nearby HE-V. However, there is Blocking terrain blocking all Line of Sight between my HE-V and the Target HE-V. Is my HE-V still taking a Damage Roll?
A4: Yes. Do not consider Line of Sight or Cover when determining what units are affected by the Blast trait.
Q: If my HE-V has 2 weapons with the Draining Trait, can I fire both in the same Engage Order, even though the first one gave me a Redline Marker?
A: Yes. When a Draining weapon is used it gives the firing model a Redline Marker. However, this marker is given at the end of the Unit’s activation. As such, it can use all its Draining weapons as it’s only prevented from doing that if it has a Redline Marker when it activates.
Q: My HE-V is receiving 9 damage from an enemy Smash order. Normally, 5 points of Damage would go to Armor, and 4 directly to Structure. However, I only have 2 points of Armor left. After those 2 points are removed, and there are 3 points of Damage to Armor remaining, are those 3 points of damage ignored?
A: No. The remaining 3 points of Damage would then rollover and also be applied to Structure. So, in this example, after all is said and done, your HE-V’s last 2 Armor points would be removed, then a total of 7 damage would be applied to its Structure. (the 3 remaining damage, plus the 4 direct to Structure from the initial split). Hope you’ve reinforced!
Q: If my model receives a Redline Marker for any reason other than taking a Redline Order, does it still take a Structure damage?
A: Not unless specifically stated. You only take the 1 Structure Damage related to Redlining when you perform the actual Redline Order. Some units with specific traits, like Unit Type: UL He-V or Unit Type: Light Vehicle, may be forced to take Structure Damage instead of receiving a Redline marker.
Q: My HE-V would like to declare “Return Fire” while being Engaged. My HE-V has a Redline marker when it is targeted by the enemy Engage Order. May I use my Coolant Tanks Upgrade to remove the Redline marker, and proceed with the Return Fire?
A: No. For a Return Fire, you check your unit for an Activation or Redline Marker when the enemy targets your unit with an Engage Order, but you may only use Coolant Tanks when you would issue an Order. The Return Fire is declared and the Redline marker is checked for during the enemy’s Engage Order; you do not issue your own Engage order until after they have completed theirs.
However, you may use your Coolant Tanks at the beginning of the Engage order you take as a result of Return Fire, if, for example, your enemy had successfully used the Disruptive trait against you during its Engage order, but you wish to use a Draining weapon during yours.
Changes to Steel Rift Core Rulebook
Replace the text on page 14 for the Blast Weapon Trait with the following:
All units (friend or foe) within (x”) of the Target unit must also make a Defense Roll.
The value of Defense Roll is equal to the number of Dice rolled in step 5 of the Engage Order for this Weapon, minus 1, to a minimum of 1. Modify the Defense Roll for each affected unit based on each unit’s weight class, as usual. All units making Defense Rolls due to this trait are not being attacked, nor are considered “Targeted”.
Replace the text on page 18-19 under the Lock On order with the following:
Lock On
The Active Unit may pivot to face any direction. Select a single enemy Unit within Line of Sight of the Active Unit. If the following order performed by this Active Unit is an Engage Order, the target may not use the rules of any Weapon System or Upgrades it has purchased for the duration of that Order, as the targeting AIs have taken the time to mitigate them. All other modifiers are applied as normal. This Order may only be performed by a unit with a Target Designator.
Replace the text on page 19 under Step 6 of the Engage Order with the following:
6. Remove all dice from the Attack Pool that score a 4+ after modifiers. Also keep any dice that rolled a 1, regardless of modifiers.
Changes to Burning Horizons
Replace the text on page 9 after the UL HE-V table with the following:
All Ultra-Light HE-Vs in this Squadron also have the Following Traits: Unit Type: UL HE-V, Squadron, Close Support, All-Terrain
Replace the text on page 10 after the UL Vehicle Type table with the following:
All Light Vehicles in this Squadron also have the Following Traits: Unit Type: Light Vehicle, Squadron, Close Support
Replace the text on page 13 in the Bunkers table in the Traits Column with the following:
Command (2), Unit Type: Fortification, Garrison (6)
Replace the text on page 13 after the Squad Type table with the following:
All Infantry (not Mine Drones) in this Squadron also have the Following Traits: Unit Type: Infantry, Squadron, All-Terrain
Replace the text on page 15 for the Infantry trait with the following:
Unit Type: Infantry
Units with the Unit Type: Infantry have the following rules changes applied:
This unit does not Activate and receive Orders normally. Instead, they are activated as part of the Order issued to their Garrison via the Command trait.
Armor and Structure:
This unit does not have Armor, so all damage goes directly to its structure.. This unit does not suffer Critical Damage.
Defense Rolls:
This unit receives a +1 modifier to Defense Rolls from Engage Orders. This modifier is increased to +2 if it is partially or fully inside Rough Terrain.
This unit always counts as being Engaged in their Front Arc.
When damaged by a weapon with the Light trait, do not halve the damage applied, 1 damage is applied for each failed Defense Roll.
Redlining and Redline Markers:
This unit may never Redline. If a Redline Marker would be assigned to this unit, apply a point of Structure damage instead.
Smash Orders:
This unit may never perform a Smash Order.
This unit counts as 0 tons for the purposes of scoring VP.
Basing and LOS:
This unit should be on a base of roughly 25-40mm. Their Silhouette is the circumference of their base to the top of the model in volume.
Replace the text on pages 16 and 17 for the Squadron trait with the following:
A Squadron is a Unit made up of multiple Models. These Models will Activate together and perform the same Orders together during that Activation. The following rules apply:
Deploying and Movement:
When deploying or performing an Order that causes a squadron to move, nominate a Squadron Leader Model. All other Models in the Squadron must end the deployment or movement within 3” of that Model.
X Values:
Some Weapon Systems or Upgrades equipped by Squadron Models use an “X” value. X is equal to the number of Models from the squadron participating in the Order using that Weapon System or Upgrade.
Performing Engage Orders:
When performing an Engage Order, all Models equipped with the same Weapon will fire that weapon as if it was a single Weapon. All Models with LOS and Range to the Target will participate; Models without LOS or Range will not.
Performing Smash Orders:
When performing a Smash Order, Models must be in Base to Base with the Target to participate in the Order.
Targeting a Squadron with a:
Engage Order:
When Targeting a Squadron with an Engage Order, select any Model of the Squadron following the usual rules for an Engage Order. If enough damage is dealt by a Weapon to destroy the Target Model, apply any remaining damage to another Model of that squadron in LOS, repeating this until all damage from that Weapon has been applied or there are no more eligible models.
Smash Order:
When Targeting a Squadron with a Smash Order, select any Model of the Squadron following the usual rules for a Smash Order. If enough damage is dealt to destroy the Target Model, apply any remaining damage to another Model of that squadron in Line of Sight and Base to Base, repeating this until all damage from that Weapon has been applied or there are no more eligible Models.
Note that Smash damage is applied to a Model alternating 1 point of Damage to Armor, then 1 Point to Structure, and so on.If the Target Model is destroyed, apply the remaining damage to the next eligible model beginning with 1 to Armor, then 1 to Structure, and so on.
Blast and Squadrons:
If a Squadron Model is Targeted by a weapon with the Blast trait, do not make Defense Rolls for other Models of that Squadron. Instead, add 2 to the Attack Pool of the Weapon during this Order.
When calculating tonnage, each model in the Squadron is counted individually based on its own tonnage and placement.
Replace the text on page 18 for the Ultra-Light trait with the following:
Unit Type: UL HE-V
Units with the Unit Type: UL HE-V have the following rules changes applied:
Armor and Structure:
This unit does not have a Structure value. Once all Armor has been removed, this unit is destroyed. If any effect would deal damage to the Structure of this unit, this unit is destroyed.
Note that the Damage from a Smash Order is applied in alternating points, 1 to Armor, 1 to Structure, then 1 to Armor, and so on for all Damage caused. Therefore, the second point of damage will destroy a unit with the Unit Type: UL HE-V trait.
Defense Rolls:
This unit receives a +2 modifier to Defense Rolls from Engage Orders. This modifier is reduced to a +1 if the Weapon System Targeting this unit has the Blast trait.
This unit always counts as being Engaged in their Front Arc.
Redlining and Redline Markers:
This unit may never Redline. If a Redline Marker would be assigned to this unit, apply a point of Structure damage instead.
Smash Orders:
This unit may only perform a Smash Order if it is equipped with a UL Melee Weapon. If so, the unit counts as Light when performing the Smash Order.
This unit counts as 2 tons for the purposes of scoring VP..
Basing and LOS:
This unit should be on a base of roughly 25-40mm. Their Silhouette is the circumference of their base to the top of the model in volume.
Replace the text on page 18 for the Vehicle trait with the following:
Unit Type: Light Vehicle
Units with the Unit Type: Light Vehicle have the following rules changes applied:
Armor and Structure:
This unit does not have a Structure value. Once all Armor has been removed, this unit is destroyed. If any effect would deal damage to the Structure of this unit, this unit is destroyed.
Note that the Damage from a Smash Order is applied in alternating points, 1 to Armor, 1 to Structure, then 1 to Armor, and so on for all Damage caused. Therefore, the second point of damage will destroy a unit with the Unit Type: Vehicle trait.
Defense Rolls:
This unit receives a +1 modifier to Defense Rolls from Engage Orders. This modifier is reduced to a 0 if the Weapon System Targeting this unit has the Blast trait.
This unit always counts as being Engaged in their Front Arc.
Redlining and Redline Marker:
This unit may never Redline. If a Redline Marker would be assigned to this unit, apply a point of Structure damage instead.
Smash Orders:
This unit may never perform a Smash Order.
This unit counts as 2 tons for the purposes of scoring VP.
Basing and LOS:
This unit should be on a base of roughly 25-40mm. Their Silhouette is the circumference of their base to the top of the model in volume.